Saturday, June 5, 2010

Droid pictures

I'm pretty impressed with the quality of pictures that my droid takes. For a camera phone, not bad. I took these earlier this year when I was on an early morning walk at Furman with a group of girls who are training to walk a marathon. It was a cool morning and there was this phenomenal mixture of fog and gorgeous sun streaming through the trees on the mall and the lake. I just had to run back to my car and snap a few pictures. It was worth it!

More ABCs....

Here are a few more of the ABCs from the other day. I haven't taken any since then, but I have spotted a few letters that I like. I just need to get back out there with the camera and snap them. These next few were actually found in places other than Greenville. The V was at one of the scenic overlooks on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Grandfather Mountain and the F was in Flat Rock, NC.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Let's start at the beginning....a very good place to start

So, I got inspired to finally start a blog. My original intent with this blog is to post pictures from online photo challenges as a way to challenge and develop my photographic eye. But, mostly I'll probably post pictures from little parts of my life.  Anything that inspires me.
First up....I saw this idea somewhere on the web. (I'll look up the link and post it here soon). This lady and her kids wandered around their town taking pictures of the ABCs. She put them all together in one collage and created a funky and educational piece of art. Creative! Love it! So....I stole the idea, I'm not ashamed. I'm on the hunt. Here are my first batch of found letters in Greenville.

I'm really liking the different colors and textures. I'm being a little obsessive and I'm keeping a list of the letters that I've found and what colors they are so that similar ones don't end up side by side.

Whatcha think? If anyone wants copies of pictures, just let me know and I'll print them for you!